6 Benefits of a Sit-to-Stand Desk
What’s the buzz about sit-to-stand desks anyway? Do they actually have an impact on employee job-satisfaction and productivity? We’re glad you asked!
Our team designed custom sit-to-stand workstations for Yamada.
Check out 6 benefits to sit-to-stand desks below:
Reduces Stress
We’re all constantly trying to find methods to reduce stress. From essential oils, to breathing exercises, meditation, and more -- it feels like we’ve tried them all! However, have you ever considered that the way you perform your work could have an impact on your stress levels? A study conducted by PubMed Central found that participants who used a sit-to-stand desk (for just over sixty minutes a day) reduced upper back and neck pain by 54%, and greatly improved mood states.
Increases Focus
A common misconception that business-owners have about sit-to-stand desks is that they negatively impact employee productivity. However, there is no evidence to support this misconception. In fact, a study conducted on desk-based workers found that using a sit-to-stand desk does not negatively affect an employee’s productivity or efficiency. Rather the study states, “A sit-stand workstation paradigm reduces musculoskeletal complaints without considerably affecting data entry efficiency under the presented study conditions.” In other words, the desk-based workers that used a sit-to-stand desk spent less time focusing on their discomfort which allowed them to focus better on their work.
Improves Productivity
With an increase in focus comes an increase in productivity. A study conducted by Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Public Health found that call center employees with sit-to-stand desks were almost 50% more productive than their colleagues who sat at their desks throughout the workday.
Reduces Pain
There are countless studies that have identified side effects of desk-based work. One of the most common side effects being low back pain (LBP). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders published in their article, “Development of a Risk Score for Low Back Pain in Office Workers - a Cross-Sectional Study”, “LBP is the most common cause of work-related disability in people under 45 years of age and the most expensive cause of work-related disability, in terms of workers' compensation and medical expenses. In the USA, the total yearly cost of LBP exceeds 100 billion US dollars.” Not only does this article address the impact that desk-based work has on a company’s employees, but it also addresses the financial burden that company’s face from related injuries.
According to Healthline, participants in a study (observing the correlation between desk-based work and lower back pain) reported up to a 32% improvement in lower back pain after shifting their workspace to utilize a sit-to-stand desk.
Burns Calories
According to a study conducted by the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, desk-based workers could increase their energy expenditure without experiencing discomfort by using a sit-to-stand desk. In other words, working adults that utilized sit-to-stand desks were able to lose additional calories (than that of sitting) by increasing their heart rate while standing for the recommended two to four hours a day.
Reduces Risk of Diseases and Heart-Related Conditions
The results of the above study also show that the workers’ periodically raised heart rate would result in added health benefits such as a decreased risk of diseases and heart-related conditions.
From reduced stress in employees, increased focus and productivity to reduced pain and additional health benefits, implementing sit-to-stand desks in an office space seems like a no-brainer.